"do you hear the voices?"

"you know i do."

"what do they tell you?"

. . . . .

"urakh, nairlakh."

profilename: khorijin
epithet: she who shakes the world
race: au ra (xaela)
- old auri
- common
physicalityheight: 5'8"
age: late twenties
- four horns, tipped in crimson
- long tail armored in scale
- white eyes, ringed in red
- tired look; sunken and hollow
- strong build, decorated in scars
- messy hair, adorned with braids

earth and fire -
gravity -

bladed staff -
flensing knives -
decorated machete -
recordoccupation: voidhunter, udgan
residence: nomadic
nationality: steppeborn
tribe: the ubir
romanticsexuality: pansexual
status: single


hunter - shaman - slayera boisterous, confident soul - one who is quick to tell a daring tale or a dashing escapade; even moreso amongst kith and kin. such was earned by blood spilt and demons sealed withinbut those tired eyes, they tell a different story, don't they?. . . . .urakh. nairlakh.

there is a hollowing out hunger inside me - i could eat gods


« the wandering ger: her home travels with her, a traditional xaela ger enchanted for ease of set up and take down. where she goes, so too does it - the snowy plains of coerthas, the salt-blasted shores of gyr abania...even to distant lands like thavnair or garlemald.« depth beyond measure: those with the ability to sense aether would feel the vast ocean of it that lurks 'neath her skin. touched by the void - but not of it. the hunger is there all the same.« a hint of the otherworld: she is an udgan - one of the shamans of xaela culture. wisps of the mystical and strange follow her in her travels, no matter where her path may lead.« the eaters, the gaolers: her appearance marks her as one of the ubir - the reclusive xaela renowned for their skill in slaying voidsent. should one need aid in such as task, she is all too eager to offer.« keeping calm: khorijin often suffers from overstimulation of the senses - particularly hearing, given her horns. she often looks for calming remedies - incenses, music, oils and tinctures - to help quell the fury in her blood and the voices in her head.

in you, i see our hungerin you, i see our blood


> khorijin is a roleplay character on the ffxiv server balmung
> my active times trend towards late afternoon/evening on most days, in the pst time zone
> please feel free to hit me up for roleplay, even if i look busy - i'd love to set up a time to do a scene
i am looking for:
- long-term rp
- adventures
- relationship building
- ripping and tearing until it is done